perm filename MONEY[RDG,DBL] blob sn#591733 filedate 1981-06-03 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	∂Mailed to DBL 16:21 18-May
C00005 ENDMK
∂Mailed to DBL 16:21 18-May
Misc Issues, esp $
Doug -
	I spoke with Terry Winograd today.
He had a bunch of interesting comments; some of which were possibly
relevant.  Maybe we can discuss them next time we're together.
[One argument on the infeasibility of RLL (or at least RLL's idea of
managing a large and intricate system) was the probably-true
claim that the complexities due to the interactions of the parts
of any thing as complex as a representation would be inherently intractable.]

Real purpose of this message - $.
(i) I assume your funds will sponsor me to both the Cog Sci and the IJCAI
conferences.  Shall I send in the registration forms, with my checks?  
...and get my travel agent to make plane reservations to BC?
(I figure I can absorb the cost of tranelling to Berkeley 
for the Cog Sci conference.)

Secondly, does your grant provide for phone bills?  Ingeborg assured
me it did, but I wanted to make sure.

	Still working on that Building Expert Systems paper, in between
writing dumb little messages like this.


∂18 May 1981 2038-PDT	CSD.LENAT	$

No problem with phone bills.
What I suggest is (i) you keep a 100% accounting of your bills
and travel expenses, etc. for the Cog. Sci. conf, and we reimburse
100% ofthem.  (ii) ditto for IJCAI, except that the base policy
handed down by HPP Exec is to give students only $100 toward
IJCAI travel expenses.  I will get more han this to you, probably
around $300, as we agreed earlier, but not the full expenses for the trip.

I disagree about TW's objection; eventually the system achieves closure,
where it knows enough about itself to "keep track of" whatever
additivity fails to give you.

PS:  I will be in tomorrow afternoon, if you'd like to meet.